Personal Online Branding
What the Internet Says About You Matters
A recent survey of recruiters found that 80% look at the social media and internet profile of job seekers before making a hiring decision. In some cases, before they make a decision to even contact an individual.
Are you one of those people who considers your potential online reputation and says, “So what? The kind of people who would care about that aren’t the kind of people I want to work with anyway.” If you are that kind of person, I say, “Get Real!”
Wake up and pay attention! You live in a digital age where your behavior, public and private, is likely to become public and bite you hard, when you can least afford it.
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently."
Warren Buffet
What is the Internet Saying About You?
This do-it-yourself (DIY) guide takes you step-by-step through many of the same things expensive brand management consultants do to assess and fix the online brands of companies and individuals.
You must learn how to find and handle the four kinds of results that matter:
Negative Results - Learn how to eliminate or bury them
Irrelevant Results - Learn how to push them off the first pages of search results
"Hey, that's not me!" Results - Learn how to handle imposters or others with your name
Positive Results - Learn how to increase them and make them show up early in search results
Done for you by a job search consultant you would pay $300 or more.
The Successful Job Seeker has transformed the done-for-you into a do-it-yourself (DIY) tool where you do all the work a consultant used to do for you and you enjoy all savings.
$47 is all you have to pay when you do this yourself.